I received my liver transplant on Valentine’s Day 2013 from a very giving and loving family. Thanks to the families decision to be a donor family I am living and healthy today.
I hope that everyone reading this story will become a donor and give life to others, what a wonderful gift. I had my transplant at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN, a very caring and understanding place. My doctor was David Raiford, a man who supported and walked with me through my transplant trip. It was a 13 year trip, I had non-alc
oholic cirrhosis so it was a slow process on getting my MELD score high enough to get on the transplant list. I was fortunate because my health was manageable during most of my wait.
The last 2 years were the worst, I was able to keep working until the last year, I lost over 60 pounds and had no energy. Thanks to a wonderful and supporting family I was able to keep the right frame of mind knowing this would soon be over and there would be better days ahead.
I received my call on Valentine’s Day, 6 hours later I was in recovery. After 7 days in the hospital I move to a friend’s home in Nashville where I went daily to the hospital for check-ups. I Moved home 3 weeks later and started my healing process.
It took a full year before I felt totally recovered and now I can do just about anything I want to do. Thanks to the donor family and the doctors at Vanderbilt I can live a normal life, I take rejection medicine twice a day and that’s all the medicine I take. Please be sure to sign up for the gift of life to someone else, I have.