My daddy, my hero, was given a second chance at life because of organ donation. Although he is no longer with us now, I refuse to say he lost his battle. However, he will continue to live through our family.
Daddy was a disabled coal miner. At the age of 65, in January 2014, he was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, an irreversible lung disease that scars and hardens the lungs. In 2016, after several hospitalizations due to recurrent pneumonia, we were told he would need a lung transplant.
His transplant journey began in March 2016. After an extensive five month workup, he was finally listed on the transplant list. Only ten days later, he received his call for a double lung transplant.
Although his journey ended February 2018, he will continue to live through his family. We will continue to spread awareness about organ donation. We will continue to encourage others to give, TO GIVE LIFE.