Judith Bibb worked at the Fruit of the Loom factory in Campbellsville for many years.  She enjoyed her job, but the strains from her work caused tendonitis and required several medications to keep the symptoms at bay.  In 2004, her health worsened and it was discovered that the tendonitis medications had destroyed her liver; Judith was going to need a liver transplant.

She was placed on the national waiting list for a life-saving transplant in April 2004 and would wait nearly one year for the call that would save her life.  Then on March 7, 2005, Judith received the phone call that a donor liver was available and was a perfect match.  Two hours later, she was at the University of  Kentucky Transplant Center, preparing for the transplant.

After nearly 11 hours of surgery, Judith had a healthy, new liver.  Almost immediately she noticed a difference in her health and level of energy.

“I hope my donor’s family knows how much I appreciate the decision their son made to be an organ donor when he renewed his driver’s license.  His decision saved my life,” Judith says.