Dan Gutenson knew that one day he would need a kidney transplant.  His family had a history of polycystic kidney disease, and his mother, uncle and brother were all kidney transplant recipients.

In February, 2009, while undergoing a routine physical, it was discovered that his kidneys were in failure.  Two months later, Dan was placed on the national waiting list for a life-saving kidney transplant.

Surrounded by a strong support system of family and friends, including the congregation at Watts Chapel Baptist Church where he had pastored for 21 years, Dan prepared himself for the long wait.

 Many friends and church members readily volunteered to donate, but his long-time friend, Donna Harris, was the best match. 

On September 17, 2009, Dan and Donna checked into the UK Transplant Center for the donation and transplantation.  Donna’s generous gift gave Dan a second chance at life, and in only a few weeks, both were well recovered and back to enjoying normal lives.

“This story is really about Donna Harris and all the heroes who have given the Gift of Life,” Dan said.

Dan urges all Kentuckians to help others in need.  Join the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry and share the Gift of Life.

(Pictured:  Donna Harris (living donor) and Dan Gutenson)