In April 2006, my sister was diagnosed with Her-2 breast cancer.  After a double mastectomy, several surgeries, and massive doses of chemotherapy, we thought she had won her battle.  Within just 5 years, she was diagnosed with MDS, Mylo Displysia Syndrome.  She would need a stem cell transplant.  When I received her call asking me to be a donor, I immediately contacted friends in seven states and asked them to pray that God would allow me this humbling opportunity.  God graciously answered with the results that I was my sister’s perfect match.

Being a donor involves a simple blood test to determine the match.  Then 5 days of painless shots and lying still for several hours.  In September of 2011, my stem cells were retrieved and the next morning transplanted into my sister.  Within one month, there was no sign of MDS and my sister’s DNA was already 91% me.  We give Almighty God all the glory for this amazing miracle.  If I could share my feelings of being a donor, about the humbling experience of working alongside The Great Physician or of being a tool used by God to help save another’s life, words could never explain the feeling of fulfillment.  I believe God created us all for a purpose and as I watched my blood restoring life to my sister, I found new meaning in not only my purpose, but the purpose of others.  Everything we have belongs to God and when we can share it with others, we are fulfilling His perfect plan.

Donate Life.

-Shelia Gold, Living Donor (pictured right)