The last week of June I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.  This came as a shock since I had never been a drinker or used drugs. I was told I might need a transplant and an appointment was set for the 13th of July to find out.  On June 27th, however, I received a call from Jewish hospital that I needed to be there on July 1st to start the process of getting on the transplant list.  This consisted of three days of testing and meetings.  On the third day, which was a Wednesday, I because very ill.  I was still driven to finish the meetings so that I could get put on the waiting list.  The nurse was very compassionate and saw how sick I was and took me to a room where I could lay down while my wife completed the questions she needed answered.  Dr. Eric Davis came in at about the same time and immediately began the process of getting me admitted, going so far as transporting me to the Emergency Room himself because my liver was starting to fail.

Later that day was placed on the transplant floor and began treatment for liver failure and malnutrition as a result of the complications from liver failure.  Within ten minutes of getting settled in my room, the coordinator came in with an envelope containing a letter stating that I was now officially on the national transplant waiting list.  On Friday or Saturday I had a temporary feeding tube put in place with plans to send me home on Monday.

On Sunday night while my wife and son were at the motel getting their things together to go home, I got a call that they had a possible liver in Lexington.  From here the preparation began to do the transplant.  On Monday morning they informed me it was a perfect match and everything was a go.  The procedure started at 6:30 that morning and was completed by 11:30.

I am very thankful to the donor family.  Without their willingness to give at their time of loss, I wouldn’t be getting to share in my kids and grandkids lives.  I urge everyone to become a donor!
