
Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life Unveils ‘Life Lift’ Cell Phone Gaming App For Today’s Tech-savvy Generation.

A paradigm shifting digital platform that promotes organ donation education, awareness and action, geared for Generation Z and beyond. MEDIA CONTACTS:Erin Jones, in.Mode Marketing, erin@inmodemarketing.com, 502.774.0767Shelley Snyder, KCCC Trust For Life, Ssnyder@trustforlife.org, 502.322.5401 Louisville, KY, Wednesday, July 17, 2019 – Trust For Life (TFL), the charitable arm of the Kentucky Association of Circuit Court Clerks (KCCC), partnering with

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Save The Date: Wednesday, July 17 Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life To Announce A New Generation Of Organ Donation Education Created For Generation Z & Beyond.

Partnering with Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA) and Louisville-based Marketing agency Power, this paradigm-shifting digital technology debuts mid-month WHAT: Trust for Life, the charitable arm of the Kentucky Association of Circuit Court Clerks, will hold a press conference to announce a revolutionary new digital platform to educate youngsters of all ages, and those beyond, to truly

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Save the Date for the Legacy of Life 5k Walk/Run

THE KENTUCKY CIRCUIT COURT CLERKS’ TRUST FOR LIFE,KENTUCKY ORGAN DONOR AFFILIATES (KODA), AND UofL HOSPITAL PRESENT 10THANNUAL LEGACY OF LIFE 2019 5K RUN/WALK  Registration is now open for the 10thAnnual Legacy of Life 5k, on Saturday, September 14th at the new location, Our Lady of Lourdes on Breckenridge Lane in St. Matthews  WHAT:        UofL Hospital, The

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A Letter from a Heart Transplant patient: Adrianne M. Rogers

Organ donation. These words can carry a different weight dependent on the person you are asking. Some people only associate with the question when they receive their driver’s license. Then for people like myself, it means a new shot at life and infinite gratitude to those who decide to donate theirs. I was 15 years

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Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life Announces Kentucky’s Organ Donation Registry Surpasses The 2 Million Mark

A milestone for the thousands of Kentuckians waiting on lifesaving donations During a riveting and at times emotional press conference held in Lexington this morning, Trust for Life, the charitable arm of the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ announced that the Commonwealth’s Organ Donation Registry now has over two million registrants. This is a major milestone for the

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Save the Date: May 13 Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust for Life Non-profit will host a Press Conference for a Milestone Announcement

A history-making announcement on the heels of the passage of Kentucky Senate Bill 77 Organ Donor Registration Expansion Signed into Law by Governor Bevin in March WHAT: Trust for Life, the charitable arm of the Kentucky Association of Circuit Court Clerks, will hold a press conference to announce a truly historical moment for the nonprofit and its partner organizations, all

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Volunteers of America, KODA and Trust for Life partner to provide “Hope and Healing” by registering more organ donors

Kicking off in National Donate Life month, the partnership will make Volunteers of America the first non-profit in the region to register organ donors directly Partnership will educate public and clients about addiction recovery and organ donation April 9, 2019 Louisville, KY–Leaders from Volunteers of America, Kentucky Organ Donors Affiliates (KODA) and Kentucky Circuit Court

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