In November 1991, while living our American dream, we were faced with a parents’ nightmare. A car crossed the centerline and hit our car head-on. I was driving and miraculously unhurt. My 3 1/2 year old son Trey, was mortally injured. The force of the crash broke his neck at the base of the brain stem. He was rushed to Kosair and as our family and friends gathered at the hospital, we received the news that there was no brain activity and no hope of recovery. Our options, to remove him from life support and let him go or become a donor family. There was absolutely no question what we were going to do. On the worst day of our lives, we made the best decision of our lives. We have never tegretted it. We have never heard from the recipients and that is okay. It gives me continued hope that there is a small part of precious boy living it up in the world. There is NO reason not to donate. |

Becky Caldwell-Donor Mom
September 17, 2015