pictureGlenn Acree is the chief Judge in the Kentucky Court of appeals.  He began losing his eyesight at a young age, completely turning his life upside down.  In the two letters below, he expresses his grattitude to both the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks for asking the questions, and the Donor family for their generous gift.

To the donor family he writes:

“It will not be enough for me to say to you how sorry i am for your loss.  Such words of sympathy, no matter how well intended, do so little to ease the pain of losing a child.”

“However, I would like to express, in addition to my great sympathy, my great gratitude.  Today, thanks to your son’s gift, I can see. For the first time, I can see clearly, the details of my own son’s face.  The curve of his smile, and the twinkle in his eye.  I have your son to thank for that…”

He writes in his thank you letter to the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks:

“About twenty five years ago, I began losing my vision.  While never totally blind, my vision had deteriorated so that my life had thoroughly changed.  Practicing law was more difficult than ever.  Seeing clearly the details in the faces of my loved ones was merely a memory.  I can’t begin to tell you the number of little challenges that surprised me on a regular basis.”

“But then, eye surgery returned my sight to me.  I have thanked the family of the organ donor.  Now it is time to thank you.”

playing in bandThank you, Judge Acree, for sharing your tremendous gratitude!

Read the full letters here:  Letter from Chief Judge Glenn Acree