![]() I have been a registered Organ Donor since 2007 when I received my diver license. I love the Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates. The people we have come in contact with, through organ donation/KODA have always been nothing short of amazing individuals. I want the public to know that Organ Donation is “giving the gift of life” to someone who needs a transplant or someone who is becoming a donor. Saving thousands of lives a year through donated eye,tissues and organs is such an amazing and selfless act.
My family has experienced both sides of donation. My granddad received a heart transplant in 1997 and lived 16 year more years. He passed away from other illnesses in Jan. 2010. I am forever grateful my granddad received a new heart. If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had him in my life for so many good years. I encourage everyone I meet to become a registered organ donor, I advocate for so many great things it brings to your life and others. I hope one day that everyone will want to become registered and if they ever needed a transplant that they will know it would not be possible without a donor’s selfless gift. |

Lindsey-Donor Daughter
March 28, 2018