On May 9th, 2013, my family was faced with the worst nightmare any family could go through. We lost our son, my 2 daughters lost a brother, and our grandson, lost his daddy. Derrick was rushed to University of Louisville Hospital by helicopter. Our family and friends gathered around us for support. We thought for surie Derrick would make it. During the long night, we cried, prayed, and told stories, hoping to keep him fighting for his life. The next morning the Dr. Told us there was no brain activity. We had to make the hard decision to remove him from life support at 24 years old. Later in the morning we were approached by the Donor Organization and asked if we would want to donate Derrick’s organs. We knew Derrick would want to help others because that was the type of person he was. This was a tragic day for us, and a blessing for another family who received his liver, the only organ that could be saved. We have never heard from the recipient, but we know a piece of Derrick still lives in this world, which gives us comfort.