
Riley Baker Speck – Heart Transplant Recipient

Riley was born on October 11, 2004 in Lexington KY. He was a healthy 8lb 7oz and we were thrilled with our new bundle of joy and excited about starting our life as a family of three. We had Riley at his routine 15 month checkup when the doctor said she heard something strange about

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Annie Johnson – Heart Transplant Recipient

 Annie was admitted to Kosair Children’s Hospital on November 11, 2010 listed as status 1A for a heart retransplantation.  On December 29th, she received her new heart. Annie was born with what is known as an unbalanced atrioventricular canal defect.  She had holes in the septum of her heart (the center portion separating the left

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Kevin B. Wilson – Liver Transplant Recipient

I am a liver transplant recipient.  On November 26, 2003, I received a liver transplant at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY that saved my life and I am an eight year survivor!  If it were not for organ and tissue donation, I would not be writing this.  After my transplant the doctors told me that

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Mary Keltner – Awaiting Kidney Transplant

Life does not always turn out as we hope and expect it to as we travel through life. Sometimes we get to a turn in our journey and suddenly life does not look at all as we thought it would.  I found this out nearly two years ago, when a case of “the flu” turned

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Kevin Stroud – Candidate for Liver Transplant

When I was 43 years old, I was in denial that I was a very sick person.  Friends and family members were concerned for me, but I would smile and say, “I’m fine”.  In reality, I had lost more than 50 lbs, and my color was not right, but I would keep on smiling. On

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Walter V Bush – Heart Transplant Recipient

My wife took me to the doctors because I couldn’t quite coughing.  I was too sick to realize what was even going on, but when they finally got the fluid out of my lungs, they relized it was my heart that was having trouble.  It happened so fast.  I had been working every day, but

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Katelynn (“Katie”) Don Floyd – Liver transplant recipient

On April 17th 2000, Katelynn Don Floyd of Sebree, Kentucky received a life saving liver transplant at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Katelynn (Katie) was born healthy and alert on April 1st 1999.  One month later, in May, she was hospitalized with RSV (respiratory virus) and quickly recovered.  During her stay in the hospital, routine

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Joyce Berry – Kidney Transplant Recipient

Joyce Berry is a diabetic and the disease caused her kidneys to fail.  On Joyce’s birthday, November 26, 2007, she was placed on the national waiting list for a life-saving kidney transplant.  She also began dialysis, a medical process that does the work of kidneys that are in failure.  Three days a week Joyce underwent

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Josh Deskins – Donor

Josh always had headaches, but the doctors never thought it was anything.  He went to the doctor with a headache in Feb. 2009, and again, they did not diagnose him.  Two days later, on Feb. 25, 2009, Josh had a brain aneurism.  It was 10 days after his birthday, he was just 26 years old.

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Jeff Ballard – Donor

On November 13, 1998 I got a call that every parent NEVER expects to receive.  My son, the middle of three children, our 37-year old son Jeff had succumbed to a brain aneurysm.  At the hospital, my husband and I were approached by a counselor who asked if we would consider organ and tissue donation. 

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