
Michael Jason Edwards – Donor

November 4, 1998 began as any normal work day for our family.  Our son, Michael, dropped off his three year old son at the babysitter’s, where they kissed and hugged, not knowing this was to be their last goodbye.  Shortly after arriving at the job site, Michael fell approximately 18 feet and sustained a critical

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Mary Overstreet – Kidney Transplant Recipient

Imagine you’re healthy and full of life, then suddenly faced with a deadly prognosis.  That happened to me when I was diagnosed with Goodpasture’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own defense system attacks the lungs and kidneys.  This disease destroyed my kidneys, requiring me to begin dialysis immediately. The first day at

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Machelle Landis Corbin – Kidney Recipient

Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, lean not on our own understanding. You will need a kidney transplant within five years. You match as well as siblings! A young woman, always active, always busy, living life to the fullest and with a life full of opportunities ahead, I wouldn’t have anticipated these three statements having

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Julie Harris – Donor

As a nurse Janet Harris, a Franklin County resident, has been in many intensive care units over the years but this time it was different.  This time it was her sister, Julie, lying in the bed. “My sister appeared healthy by all outward appearances and was living a normal suburban life.  Then one day in

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Judith Bibb – Liver Transplant Recipient

Judith Bibb worked at the Fruit of the Loom factory in Campbellsville for many years.  She enjoyed her job, but the strains from her work caused tendonitis and required several medications to keep the symptoms at bay.  In 2004, her health worsened and it was discovered that the tendonitis medications had destroyed her liver; Judith

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Jim Crouch – Kidney Transplant Recipient

Lexington native Jim Crouch, followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the U.S. Marine Corps after two years of college.  After proudly serving his country for three years Jim was scheduled to be discharged from the military with the plan to return to Kentucky and complete his college degree.  At that time Jim’s goals were

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Jean Crawford – Multi-Organ Transplant Recipient

I am living anew in Kentucky, striving to make each moment rich and enriching for someone else. Since my multi-organ transplant in 2006, I have married, and welcomed two additional grandchildren into my heart and family. My scarred body reminds me daily of the precious gift of life given to me by a complete stranger

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Jack Hunt – Heart Recipient

In 1992, I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at my yearly physical. It was a very severe case, and I was told I was not going to survive a long time without a heart transplant. After the first couple of days of feeling sorry for myself, I woke up and decided I was going to fight

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George Stoddard – Liver Transplant Recipient

Several days following my liver transplant, as I was lying in my hospital bed, I began to see a bright light shining on the wall.  It appeared to be an angel who looked at me and said, “George, I am going to give you a second chance at life.”  I was completely amazed and before

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