
Dan-Kidney Recipient

My family has a history of poly cystic kidney disease. My mother, uncle, and brother have had kidney transplants, all from deceased donors. I have a sister and daughter that both have PDK. I received a kidney transplant September 17, 2009. I received a kidney from a living donor, a lady from the church I

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Paula-Living Kidney Donor

My sister, Laurie, was diagnosed with a lupus-like condition which caused her kidneys to deteriorate. She was 31 years old. Laurie’s doctors mentioned that sometime in her life, sooner than later, she would need a kidney transplant. I eagerly volunteered to donate my kidney. Not only was Laurie my sister, she was my best friend.

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Tom-Liver Recipient

After my 50th birthday, my wife, Ann, urged me to get a physical check-up. I felt there was no need because I was seemingly in such good health; it had been years since my last physical, I took no prescription medicine and other than the random cold, I rarely got sick. My blood work told

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Jeff-Heart Recipient

August 2, 2014 – Our journey began! While on reserve duty at Ft Knox, KY I had an unstoppable coughing event, so I went to Ireland Army Hospital where I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I went through several procedures to try and avoid a transplant, but none were effective enough. June 19, 2015-

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Lindsey-Donor Daughter

Organ Donation became really important in 2010, when my dad Nick Jones II had an accident and through the tragic incident, he saved 8 lives through Organ Donation. I have been a registered Organ Donor since 2007 when I received my diver license. I love the Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates. The people we have come

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John-Double Lung Recipient

My daddy, my hero, was given a second chance at life because of organ donation. Although he is no longer with us now, I refuse to say he lost his battle. However, he will continue to live through our family. Daddy was a disabled coal miner. At the age of 65, in January 2014, he

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Kameron-Bone Marrow Recipient

My name is Kameron Nab, and I am a double Bone Marrow Transplant recipient My life before my transplant was relatively normal for a five year old. I went to school, played outside, and played some sports. But one thing I remember is that I always seemed to be sick in some way. I remember

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Tyler- Liver Recipient

I had the privilege of interviewing Jud Duncan about his experience with donation on the morning of January 23, 2018.  This interview had been a long time coming, as we have tried to touch base several times in the past few months.  I was eager to hear more about his son Tyler, a liver recipient

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Alisha-Heart Recipient

On February 13, 2014 at 4:04 pm I received a phone call that has forever changed my life, a real heart for Valentine’s Day. For 27 years I was misdiagnosed and battled heart disease. I was referred to Cincinnati Children’s hospital in 2011 for a Heart catheterization upon waking from the procedure and the look

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Story-Heart Recipient

Our journey with organ donation began when my daughter, Story, was seven months old and was in severe heart failure. The words that she “needed a heart transplant” brought me to my knees. My daughter was diagnosed prenatally with a severe congenital heart defect (CHD) known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and an unbalanced AV

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