In Feb. of 2003 I was diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy & an ICD was implanted. I did improve until had a heart attack in Jan. of 2014. At that time a stint was placed. In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure & was in & out of hospitals 8 times for the congestive heart failure. Jan. 2016 was sent to UK hospital for testing to see if candidate for the LVad but instead of an LVad was placed on the transplant list. June of 2016 was admitted to UK until a donor heart became available. While sill in UK hospital on Aug. 23,2016 I received the call that a match had become available. I felt relieved when The Call came. So did my wife & family. My wife & I both had complete faith in my transplant team.
Recovery has taken longer than I thought it would but my life is very improved over what it was prior the transplant.